This is my place to share my love of rubber stamping, cooking, knitting, and snippets of my life. Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Happy Friday!
I am leaving tomorrow morning, bright and early for week with my girlfriend in Arizona. Leaving the men at home! This is an early birthday present for me!!!! I will be turning 50 in June and for years we talked about taking a "girl's cruise" vacation. But I would rather do something like that with my family. So it's off to AZ for a week of just sight seeing and girl fun! I don't know if I will be able to udpate my blog while I am gone, since I won't be able to upload photo's etc.
So for now here is a card I had to make for my baby sis before I left. I used a Cuttlebug embossing folder, marvy punches, and my favorite Stampingbella stamp! The trim is something I picked up at Joanne's the other day, and the verse is one of those $1 stamps from Michael's.I
If you see this Kerri......Happy Birthday! Love you!
And here is the latest pic of the baby birdies!!!! I am sure that by the time I get home, they will have left the nest. They just sit there quietly against the front door, perched upon the wreath and check out the neighborhood. With all the poop or whatever it is that is holding the nest to the wreath and door I wonder if the wreath will be salvagable!!! (is that how you spell it?)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My Many Addictions!!!!!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Babies are getting big!
I am leaving this weekend for a week in Arizona with my girlfriend and don't know how much more I will be posting. I hope to be able to blog about my trip but will see how much time I have etc.
Still have lots to do before I leave!!! Need to make sure my boys have things all lined up for them and the fridge is full!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Monday!
I am really worried about the little birds in the nest. Many of you have emailed me, and told me that one of the eggs was laid by another bird. This bird is apparently considered a parasite and will eat all the food and the other babies will die. Please don't tell me I have to go and chew up some worms and feed them! But really..........I am concerned and want them to thrive!
Mother's Day was nice. We had great weather! Hubby, son, and I went out to brunch, and then I had the day to do as I pleased. I don't think I did much at all!
I am posting a few things I have made recently.
Mother's Day card for my Mom, and the Jacob's ladder w/box I made as part of her Mother's Day present. She loved it! (didn't you Mom!)
The other card is for my nephew Landon's first birthday! Look at his adorable face!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Babies are here!
Connor's friend just game to the front door and told him he saw a little birdie peeking out of the nest! I went and got the footstool and held the camera up over the nest and see one head poking up! It looks like there may be one more there too. There were five eggs, so maybe the others haven't hatched yet????
So exciting! But now have to keep the neighborhood kids away! And it makes me want to put a pot full of worms on my front porch to make it easier on the new Mom! Ya know......Mother's Day and all! Should I make her a card? HEE HEE!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Babies are coming!
Hi Everyone!
Another demo posted some photos of a birds nest on her blog and I loved the idea! I had taken some photos of Daddy bird sitting on a wooden bird hanging on our front porch and also on our flag. When I saw Beate's post I also grabbed the foot stool decided to take a photo of our little nest. Mama bird decided to build her little nest on top of the wreath on our front door. Not a very wise choice as this is the busiest place in the house! I am almost tempted to put a sign on the door to go around back!!!
Anyway, this little nest is perched upon our wreath with 5 little eggs! There were 6, but somehow one dropped off and broke on the porch. I cannot get a photo of Mom, as she flies away ever time the door is opened! But here is Pops, standing watch and the nest upon the wreath against our door. Can't wait til they hatch!!!!
Can you see the bird on the bird?????
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